Use Testcontainers
- Status: accepted
- Deciders: [Q-tal Enpro Team]
- Date: [2020-09-04]
Context and Problem Statement
Running Service Tests requires PostgreSQL. To ensure an instance is always up and running a container has to be manually launched or started automaticially.
Considered Options
- Launch the container or DB before executing tests manually
- Testcontainers
Decision Outcome
Chosen option: Testcontainers, because it simplifies the test execution process
Positive Consequences
- It is not mandatory to ensure postgres is running before starting the tests
Pros and Cons of the Alternatives
Manual Launch
Does not require docker, How Postgres is running is irelevant, as long as its availabe on a specific port+
low performace overhead, since the same instance is reused along all tests+
Does not depend on third party librarires-
Requires extra procedures before running the tests-
Can be considered hard to use
Easy to use+
Completely independent from running postgres instances (Uses random port and credentials)+
No extra procedures needed, apart from launching the test-
Depends on docker-
Slower due to container launch overhead