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Platform for Sharing Quantum Software

IntelliJ Setup

  1. At start of IntelliJ, browse to the root pom.xml and open it as project.
  2. Enable checkstyle:
    • Install the IntelliJ CheckStyle-IDEA Plugin. It can be found via plug-in repository
      (File > Settings > Plugins > Marketplace; Mac: IntelliJ IDEA > Preferences > Plugins > Marketplace).
  1. Configure the code style (Source:
    • Open the Settings (by pressing Ctrl + Alt + S; Mac: command + ,)
    • Go to “Editor > Code Style”
    • Click on the gear icon (right of “Scheme:”)
    • Click “Import Scheme”
    • Choose “CheckStyle Configuration”
    • Navigate to checkstyle.xml. It is located in root directory.
    • Click “Apply”
    • Click “OK”
    • Go to “Editor > Code Style > Java > Imports > Import Layout”
    • Adapt the order such that “import java.*” is before “import javax.*”
    • Click “Apply”
    • Click “OK”
    • Click “Close”
  2. Setup code headers to be inserted automatically
    • Open the Settings (by pressing Ctrl + Alt + S; Mac: command + ,)
    • Go to “Editor > Copyright > Copyright Profiles”
    • Click the “+”
    • Name “Atlas”
    • Copyright text from CodeHeaders
    • Click “Apply”
    • Go to “Editor > Copyright > Formatting”
    • Adjust copyright formatting settings

    checkstyle - Change to Use block comments with Prefix each line - Set Relative Location to Before other comments - Set Separator beforeto 80 and Separator after to 81 - Go to “Editor > Copyright” - Set “Atlas” as Default project copyright - Click “Apply”

  3. Setup Apache Tomcat
    • Download Tomcat 9.0 from Choose “zip” under “Core”.
    • Extract it to C:\Apache. Result: C:\Apache\apache-tomcat-9.0.7.
    • Click “Edit Configuration”


  1. Configure Git to handle line endings
    • Insert the following commands in your console:
      For Windows: git config --global core.autocrlf true
      For Mac/Linux: git config --global core.autocrlf input